A new option on meat snacking! Made from premium minced lean beef topside, these beef bites are soft and tasty snack with classic flavor. Convenient pack (25g), enough protein per serving -...
Our Beef Bar 25g is the ultimate combination of balanced good flavor and convenience! Made from premium beef and perfectly seasoned for an great taste, it’s a snack you’ll love...
Turn up the heat with our Original Hot Jerky! Packed with bold flavors, our snack pack is perfect for those who like it spicy. Made with premium, tender meat and...
e are proud to present our specially packaged outdoor Beef Bar, designed for most rough conditions. Produced from premium beef topside and specially seasoned for a solid flavor, this lightweight, high-protein...
Get ready to taste the difference with our Teriyaki Beef Jerky. Made from the finest cuts of premium beef topside, this snack is marinated in our homemade marinade with special Asian...
Our Original Smoky Snack Pack delivers a soft, bold and smoky flavor with a unique process that preserves the sweet tenderness of the meat. Part of our delicious ORIGINALS range, it...
Our latest addition to the SnackPack family - Sweet Chili Beef Jerky. The perfect balance of sweet and spicy. Made from premium topside beef and seasoned with a spicy chilli...
A rich and satisfying blend of carefully selected spices, our Gourmet Original Beef Jerky is a wholesome treat for any occasion. Expertly crafted from the finest cuts of premium beef,...
Our Gourmet Sweet Chili is a masterpiece of flavor, created to elevate your snacking experience. Made from the finest cuts of topside beef, it's carefully seasoned and slowly dried to perfection,...