A perfect blend of tangy ginger and sweet honey, created for those who value flavor and performance. High in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, it's the ultimate snack...
The classic, rich flavor you love, made for those who priorities both - taste and nutrition. High in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, it's the perfect snack to...
An incredible, flavorful snack with a kick of spice! Packed with protein, low in fat and carbs, it's the perfect fuel for your protein supply need. Taste the heat, feel the...
Traditional lean flavor you love, made for those who prioritize white meat. High in protein and low in fat and carbohydrates, it's the perfect snack to fuel your protein need....
Increase your performance with our Sport Mix. 4 flavors - the perfect set for an athletic life to keep protein on the go. Our set includes 4 Sport Jerky sachets...
Introducing the all-new our Dried Marble Beef Steak — our new innovation! Made from the finest marbled beef cuts, this steak is brings an super combination of rich flavor and...
Get the real taste of premium beef with our specially prepared Beef Steak Set. Three flavors - the perfect mix for steak lovers who want to try our premium dried...